Thursday, January 15, 2009

Be an Orcas Idol -- or just a fun-loving friend

Attention all those who love to sing, just for the heck of it! Orcas Idol on Feb. 7 needs YOU!
Now you can share that joy with your Orcas neighbors and contribute to a good cause -- the promotion of healthy lifestyles through the Orcas Island Prevention Partnership -- by contacting Jeanne Beck at the Funhouse and deciding which of your favorite songs to sing. There's still time to sign up, Jeanne will be helping select music until Jan. 22. The Orcas Idol audition performances on Jan. 24 at the Grange will determine the Idol contestants.
Earlier this week, the editor of Bullwings was persuaded to jump on the bandwagon, and now she's hoping to bring along all those kitchen-sink and shower chanteurs and -teuses to sing your heart out. Photo right shows editor at last no-holds-barred performance. It's easy, all singers will be accompanied by karaoke music, and Bullwings will respond with suggestions to help you choose any song you'd like to sing and sure stage-fright cures.
In the past, Jenole Peacock, Jason Kraayeveldt and Locket Goodrich have won top honors, but the show isn't about competition -- it's about having a great time, sharing music, and knitting together a healthy community in a fun way.
Who else remembers Librarian Holly King singing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" in audition and then serenading the Idol audience to second place with a series of smoky torch songs? Or island newcomer Jim Sullivan blowing away the crowd at the Orcas Center with his darkly passionate rendition of "Music of the Night," followed by a reincarnation of Johnny Cash with "Folsom Prison Blues."
The Generations Y and Z have been ably represented at past "Idols" with Anika Gresham and KD Laslo's irrepresible showmanship, to mention only a few of the past "Idol" performers.
So this year, let's just get up there and do it for the fun of it, (the more the merrier and the less we'll all feel intimidated).
I had fun yesterday pondering which songs from past loves I'll sing and so far, here's my list: "Memory" from "Cats," "Desperado" by the Eagles and "Love the One You're With" by Steven Stills.
Or maybe I'll sing "For the Good Times" and "Still the Same" by Bob Seger, or maybe "New Orleans" by Gary US Bonds, or maybe or maybe....
Contact Jeanne Beck at and let's make Orcas Idol 2009 a real Mardi Gras-style hootenanny.

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