Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Orcas Irthlingz and Obama honored at the Outlook

A happy crowd filled the Victorian Room at the Outlook Inn last night to celebrate both the inauguration of President Barack Obama and the recognition awarded Orcas resident Sharon Abreu and her environmental organization, Irthlingz, for submitting a National Strategy for Sustainability, which ranked in the Top Ten proposals on this past week in its Ideas competition. Over 7,800 proposals were submitted.
The plan can be viewed at and the award announcement can be seen at
Irthlingz can be accessed online at
Abreu says public support of the National Strategy should contact their legislators.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the internet sites for viewing Sharon's sustainability strategy proposal & the award announcement.

    Great inaugural party! Glad to see you there.
    Suzan Chamberlayne


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