Monday, January 26, 2009

Orcas Stage on the Green Wins Architecture Award

The Stage on the Green at Eastsound Village Green County Park has been selected as the American Institute of Architects, Seattle -- 2008 Awards for Washington Architecture People's Choice Winner in the "Built" Category.
San Juan County Parks and Recreation Director Dona Wuthnow describes the landmark stage as "a partnership project designed and developed through community consensus."
It was funded through a combination of County Facilities Program funds, a state "Building for the Arts: grant and "a lot of in-kind contributions from craftspeople, contractors and designers, plus cash contributions from the community.
Pictured above are some of those people, at the June 2006 dedication ceremony.
"Originally we had planned on putting up a serviceable structure that we could afford," she said. "Then a dedicated group of Orcas designers, craftspeople and activists came to us with the resources, energy, creativity and determination to build a stage that could become a part of the community's identity."
The County Park Board and Orcas Open Arts put a lot of trust in the group's commitment to the project in going ahead with the partnership, and that trust paid off.
The AIA competition entry, put together by David Kau and Fred Klein of Orcas, describes the project as "the product of a yearlong collaboration -- among architects, artists, engineers, builders, school teachers, dancers and craftspeople -- to design a build a public performance stage for the Village Green. Our design was conceived as a pre-emptive challenge to the County Parks Department, which was on the verge of purchasing a pre-fab gluelam pavilion, found on the internet and about to be trucked and barged from Illinois. We proposed a locally inspired counterpoint -- to be designed locally and constructed from materials sourced locally. An ambitious grassroots plan hatched by activists committed to a process of consensus."
Credits for the project reflect that process.

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