Monday, January 26, 2009

Rare opportunity to change county laws until March 1

Docket Call: Public Can Request Changes in Comp Plan, UDC, Maps
By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

The San Juan County Community Development and Planning Department has issued official notice that it will accept suggestions, proposals and requests for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, the Uniform Development Code, and site-specific amendments to the Comp Plan’s Official Maps until March 1, 2009, for consideration on the 2009 docket.

Under the Growth Management Act, the County may consider and make changes to the Comprehensive Plan and its maps just once each year. Under an Ordinance which went into effect this year, modifications to the UDC may be considered up to three times a year in 2009 and 2010.

Requests for site-specific land-use re-designations require a formal application and fee. (Contact the Department at: 378-2354 for details).

Other requests and suggestions for changes should be made in writing to Community Development and Planning (CD&P), Attn: Colin Maycock, P.O.Box 947, Friday Harbor, WA 98250, or by email to or by Fax 360-378-3922.

Please include:

1. The name, address, and phone number of party who is submitting the suggestion.

2. A description of the proposed amendment, including suggested new language and a reference to the section of the document that would be amended.

3. Reasons why the change should be made and is in the public interest.

For answers to questions about the process, contact Colin Maycock at 360-370-7573.

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